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About Us

Board of Directors

Meet our current Governing Board of Directors! 

Garry E. Hodges

Chairman, Appointed by City of Rocky Mount

With 38 years in the computer industry—covering programming, sales, and management in companies both big and small—along with over 50 years of flying experience, Garry has also spent more than 30 years as a professional photographer. He continues to serve his community as Chairman of the Rocky Mount-Wilson Airport Authority.

James Johnson, III

Vice Chairman, Appointed by City of Wilson

Dan Herring

Secretary, Appointed by City of Rocky Mount

Carl Warren

Treasurer, Appointed by Edgecombe County

Johnson Bissette

Appointed by City of Wilson

Charles Mullen

Appointed by Nash County

Michael Weatherington

Appointed by Wilson County

Joshua Pusser

Airport Director, Non-Voting Member

Board Composition

The Rocky Mount Wilson regional Airport Authority is comprised of seven members:

  • Two appointees from the City of Rocky Mount
  • Two appointees from the City of Wilson
  • One appointee from Edgecombe County
  • One appointee from Nash County
  • One appointee from Wilson Count

Each member shall serve until the expiration of their term (determined by their appointing body) and until their successor is appointed and qualified.

Board Meetings

Monthly Board Meetings are held at 12 noon on the third Tuesday of each month at the KRWIA Terminal Josh L. Horne Conference Room. Meetings are open to the public. 


Board meeting minutes can be found here